2009年12月26日 星期六

A return e-mail to a patient's family

Dear XXXX,

Glad to receive your holiday greeting cards. And also I'd like to thank you for the present you gave me via XXXX the other day when you were still sad about your father's leave. I hope you can attain the true meanings from your parents' passing away peacefully here in Taichung.

As to my being your father's doctor, both your father and you are very brave in facing each's future. Your father was brave in accepting the destiny he received and proud of your availability and accompany. You're brave to handle all these things by yourself alone in Taiwan. By any standard, you are a good family, daughter and friend of mine.

I wish that our hospital's evening music event to uphold the concept of hospice care did help you relieve your sadness and emotions as much as possible. Thank to God, you can shed the burden from your shoulders now.

Please kindly convey my holiday greetings and best regards to your loved ones in your family. Do come visit us if you got the chance to come back Shalu, the one place where you got so many stories to tell.


2009年12月24日 星期四


弘光田體系的弘光科技大學護研所申請到教育部國際交流計畫(教育部補助1,030,000元,學校補助430,520),得以於2009年6月22日至9月11日聘請6位外國教師蒞校教授專科護理師課程--- Drs. Barbara Sheer, George Sheer, Debra Vincent, Catherine Johnson, Marie Napolitano, Rosemary Goodyear。

此六位教師乃為專科護理師之知名專家學者,且於美國各大名校擔任副教授及教授,其中Dr. Barbara Sheer及Dr. Rosemary Goodyear更於國際專科護理師學會擔任重要顧問,頗富知名度。

為讓國際相關護理組織能獲知護研所開設「暑期專科護理師密集課程」的喜訊,兩位教授並撰文於「國際專科護理師暨進階護理專家網路快報(International Nurse Practitioner/ Advanced Practice Nurse Network Bulletin)」以弘光科技大學名義進行報導,有助於提升護研所於國際間的知名度。
據學校的報導,弘光科大護研所教師亦獲邀於「2010 International Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference in Brisbane, Australia」分享台灣經驗。護研所將有教師以學校名義分享「台美專科護理師研究所教育交流經驗」,以及2-3名教師於該會議中發表專科護理師相關論文,此行將有助於護研所專科護理師的課程規劃,持續與國際接軌,並展現國際競爭力。


2009年11月1日 星期日


Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) safe and effective way to treat early stage lung cancer in medically inoperable patients

Stereotactic body radiation therapy safe and effective way to treat early stage lung cancer in medically inoperable patients


2009年10月29日 星期四



螺旋光子刀 = 導航螺旋刀 = 螺旋刀 = 螺旋光子刀系統 = 螺旋斷層放射治療儀 = 多模式螺旋斷層放射儀 = Tomotherapy = Helical tomotherapy


2009年10月9日 星期五

乳房超音波----乳房腫瘤的診斷利器 All you would want to know about the Breast Ultrasound Examination

This video is part of the breast cancer education series produced by CancerQuest, (www.cancerquest.org). It is published online in the YouTube for public educational purposes.

2009年10月8日 星期四

2009年9月20日 星期日

If I'm not wrong, it is the oldest Christian church in Europe. Correct me in case to the contrary.

2006年10月1日我在伊斯坦堡參加歐洲腫瘤內科醫學會年會期間,把握機會飽賞這座全歐最古老的教堂喔。當年的Gala Dinner即設在據說是歐洲最古老的教堂內,大家都知道土耳其是伊斯蘭教的,能夠保留這座基督教堂實在是這座教堂的地位吧!我們在此歐洲最古老的教堂裡欣賞兩小時的知名交響樂團的演出,全場只有我這位台灣人。

2009年9月5日 星期六

Meet me in Perth, West Australia, late this month.

Hi, guys, I'm going to attend an International Palliative Care Conference held in Perth of West Australia between 23rd and 27th this month.
Wish I can meet up with you there. Telephone number the same.
Could someone tell me how to make the most from this trip since this is the first time for me in Perth?
I plan this trip early in this February. Before visiting a new city, I will buy a best seller novel either with a story surrounding this place or the author is closely attached to the city, trying to get a glimpse of or set up a good imaginative impression of the very city. For Perth, I've read the novel, Cloudstreet (1991) by Tim Winton. Frankly speaking, the novel is readable but to me, a little bit boring. Sorry to say that. Probably right before that novel, the previous one, The Secret Supper by Javier Sierra, was a automatic page-turner. Of course the story is nothing to do with Perth.
Shall I get a new copy with story surrounding Perth and interesting enough to be carried along the trip? Suggest one to me, please, if you could.
Anyway, see you.

2009年8月2日 星期日


原來迷上連續劇也可協助診斷出乳癌。前天我的乳房外科同事轉來一位女性乳癌病人。她的媳婦陪在她身旁。我細問病人她是如何發現乳癌或者乳癌是怎樣被發現的呢?原來她是 娘家 這部連續劇的忠實觀眾,劇情中的一位女主角,請參見附圖中的家系和關係圖中名叫賴惠君的。我沒看這部戲,不過據民視娘家官網的網友留言,好像是賴惠君的先生有外遇,娘家是她永遠的靠山,後來又不幸罹患乳癌第二期。
自己觸摸進行乳房檢查我們醫學上稱作BSE (Breast Self Examination)乳房自我檢查。如果接受醫護人員檢查稱作CBE (Clinical Breast Examination)臨床乳房檢查。在西方先進國,近年對於是否要鼓勵女性作BSE已有反對意見,主要是既引起女性焦慮又無太大存活差異等因素。